Curtain Wall - Installation
Hilti offers a first-class product portfolio for the installation of curtain wall facades.

The shape, styles and materials used in the construction of facades are becoming increasingly unconventional. Accordingly, the fastenings used to secure each section are frequently located in the heavily-reinforced edge zone of the supporting concrete structure. The demands placed on these fastenings in terms of their usability, load bearing capacity and the life expectancy are thus rising all the time.
Drilling and aligning.

Drilling into concrete
Hilti has the right cordless concrete drilling solution for you and our tools come with a 2 year no cost on tool repair services.
Drilling into concrete operation

Drilling into steel
Hilti has the right cordless steel drilling solution for you and our tools come with a 2 year no cost on tool repair services.
Drilling into steel operation instructions

Aligning façade brackets
Hilti has account managers ready to visit your job site and train on these measuring and aligning tools.
Aligning façade brackets operation instructions
Fixing brackets for unitized systems.

Fixing – Cast-in anchor channel
Since 2017 Hilti offers all three relevant production standards for anchors channel profiles.
1. TCRS, Temperature Controlled Roll Shaping
2. Hot-rolled
3. Cold-rolled
All channels are ETA certified, Hilti also provides dedicated and tested solutions for e.g. corner, thin slab cases and additionally V-Shape channels are approved for seismic, static or dynamic loads as well as loads occurring in the event of a fire.
You also have the choice of three different anchor systems depending on your application.
Contact us for more informations about these products

Fixing – Mechanical anchors
Changes to plans at short notice can make it impossible to use anchor channels on all areas of the structure.
Hilti offers a range of stud anchors that provides versatile, well-proven solutions for fastening facades.
Mechanical anchors operation instructions

Fixing – Chemical anchors
Hilti provides a unique solution for façade brackets installation: HIT-HY 200 fast-curing adhesive with no cleaning required if used with Hilti HIT-Z rod. This solution works in both cracked and non-cracked concrete.
The Hilti HIT-Z rod works as a torque-controlled bonded anchor, because of their shape, the rods are not affected by uncleaned holes.
Chemical anchors operation instructions
Fixing mullion brackets.

Fixing – Brick, hollow block or concrete (chemical or mechanical anchors)
Hilti has account managers who can visit your jobsite and help you select the right anchoring solution for you.
Aligning façade brackets operation instructions

Fixing – Screw fastening on steel
Before the right screw for fastening brackets can be selected, the properties of the material, e.g. material thickness of steel must be known.
Contact us for more informations about these products

Fixing – Direct fastening on steel or concrete
With the direct fastening system, a powder actuated tool is used to drive a nail or threaded studs into concrete or steel.
This provides a high fastening rate and easy to use solution for curtain wall fastening. Due to constant exposure to external environment stainless steel nails or threaded studs should be used.
When pre-drilling in concrete for threaded studs fastening. It helps to guide the nail and ensures extremely high loads. Additionally, the hole is drilled to a depth of only 23 mm no-reinforcing are hit during the drilling.
Direct fastening on steel or concrete operation instructions
Watch these videos
PR 30-HVS A12 - Align Facades